Thursday, March 13, 2014

SLJ's BoB Round 1, Battle 5

Hokey Pokey vs. March: Book One judged by Tom Angleberger

Jack finds that his bike has been stolen, and by a girl, no less.  That's just the beginning of his problems; his tattoo is fading and he will soon hear train whistles.  Confused?  Well, welcome to the club.  This book seems to divide people into "love it"or "hate it"camps.  I have more ambiguous feelings.  The book is full of wonderful writing; this is Spinelli after all.  Also, once I got to the end of the book, I understood what the point was.  However, it took a lot of perseverance to get to that "aha" moment.  Even worse, it took me back to all those stream-of-consciousness novels I hated as an English major.  What decides this for me is that I do not think any of my students would make it through this book.

March: Book One tells the story of civil rights hero John Lewis.  It is told in reflections on the past as Congressman Lewis prepares to attend the inauguration of Barack Obama.  Lewis tells of his childhood in Alabama, his efforts to fight segregation in the lunch counter sit-ins, and his meeting with Martin Luther King Jr.  This is the first in a trilogy, and I can't wait to read more.  As much as I'd like to see Eleanor & Park prove victorious, I would also be happy if a graphic novel won.

Check out the results on Monday at

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