Wednesday, January 29, 2014

It isn't all about the kids

So I decided to become a children's librarian because I'd rather not work with adults.  Honestly, 99% of the times I've been angry or defeated because of work, it was due to the behavior of adults, not kids.  However, I soon realized that this is the wrong perspective.  Working with other adults makes us better educators.  You can't be a teacher in your own bubble.  A school librarian who does this will be very poor at his/her job, because we serve everyone in our buildings, teachers and students.  I think sometimes it is an issue of confidence.  You have to realize that you have valuable contributions to share, and it is time to join the conversation.

On January 22, I presented two sessions on inspiring students to love reading.  I enjoyed sharing my passion for reading with others, and many teachers shared with me ideas they have implemented.  Here was my presentation:

Several teachers in my building are taking a children's literature course and I have assisted them in finding books.  It occurred to me that I could teach such a course so I'm going to look into it.

Share your voice with other adults - those in your building and beyond.  By doing so, you will help their students and get ideas how to help yours.  Community is a wonderful thing.

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