I read in a recent blog post that A Year of Reading has reached over a million visitors, and was reminded that Mary Lee and Franki's blog was the first kidlit blog I ever followed. I can't recall when or how I discovered it, but I know it has been several years. I became a fervent follower, reading all past blog entries. I found it especially useful when looking for book recommendations. I enjoyed reading about their personal/teaching lives as well. Mary Lee is a wonderful poet, whose anthology I'm waiting to hear is being published. I enjoyed Franki's adventures as a school librarian (like me), and her move back into the classroom. Oh, how I'd love to go Ohio and visit Cover to Cover.
Image from: https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/380281_288736037832642_1976307084_n.jpg
Best of all, A Year of Reading has led me to other kidlit heroes - Betsy Bird, the folks at Heavy Medal and the Nerdy Book Club, through which I found even more blogs to follow, Mr. Schu, Mr. Sharp, Travis Jonker, etc. So thank you Mary Lee and Franki for enriching my life as a reader and educator.
1 of 1,000,000+ visitors to your blog